
"Get Outta Town"

This collection is packed full of Saskatchewan nostalgia. Taking inspiration from roadtrips through the prairies, heading north to the lake, to the hardware store, and the pit stops along the way.

Wherever life takes you, take a piece of home along for the ride.


Field Tested Collection

“Get outta town” and go on a scavenger hunt through this design. Hop in, we're going to the farm!

There’s no reason to get rid of things that just work – old things get passed down, traditions persist, and the feelings of home remain.

While mundane on their own, collectively these heirlooms are unique to the rural experience.
We took inspiration from the prize page found at the back of old comic books to bring it all together.

Having some fun with the expression, “get outta town,” we hit the road in search of prairie treasures. 

If you grew up on a farm, or just passed by on the highway, you’re sure to have spotted at least one of these rural essentials. These momentos take you there.

At Hardpressed, the ever-evolving nature of our work allows us to continuously create art inspired by the province we proudly call home. However, this means we can’t always keep every screen in rotation year-round. Some of the products featured on this page may no longer be in stock. That said, we’re a sentimental bunch, and you might just see some of your favourites make a comeback from time to time!


Head North

Get outta town and enjoy the view. The “Head North” design admires the beauty of Northern Saskatchewan, featuring its evergreen landscape. Like a souvenir tee that you got on a pit-stop.