Made in SK Designs

Whether you were born here, raised here, or found your home here, ‘Made in SK’ represents all Saskatchewanians alike - this province has shaped many strong and resilient people. The original “Made in SK” design was one of our best-sellers that started Hardpressed’s reputation, making us known for the little store with the Made in SK tees. We’ve taken a few spins on it and come up with many iterations of it over the years, making sure we always have one in the lineup.

At Hardpressed, we take pride in our ever-evolving designs, each inspired by the province we proudly call home. To keep the creativity flowing and make space for fresh ideas in the print shop, some screens find their way to our archives. While a few products featured on this page may no longer be in stock, we’re a sentimental bunch – so there’s a chance you’ll see them again sometime!