
Souvenir Map Collection


Souvenir Map Collection

A collection of the landmarks that stand tall as icons of home. Each one so special we wish they were small enough to keep in our pocket wherever we go.

Our Souvenir Map draws inspiration from vintage maps in this style, popularized in the 1960-1970’s. This one sure was a challenge, trying to pack a whole province worth of places and points of interests into this format! It’s not intended to be an exhaustive guide to SK, but rather a highlight of a few faves that this province has to offer.

Every Icon has Its Encore

Currently Archived

At Hardpressed, we take pride in our ever-evolving designs, each inspired by the province we proudly call home. To keep the creativity flowing and make space for fresh ideas in the print shop, some screens find their way to our archives. While products featured on this page may no longer be in stock, we’re a sentimental bunch – so there’s a chance you’ll see them again sometime!