Northlore | Brain Food Herbal Drops
Northlore | Brain Food Herbal Drops
224 20th St. West
224 20th St. West
Saskatoon SK S7M 0W9
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herbal drops to fuel your focus
Use these herbal drops to clear brain fog and "feed" your brain.
When taken regularly, this potent infusion can promote circulation to the brain to reduce inflammation/fogginess, improve mental clarity, sharpen memory and focus, and support overall brain health.
lions mane is renowned for its neuroprotective effects, enhancing memory, learning, and overall cognitive function and health
ginkgo biloba has been known to improve memory and attention
gotu kola has been proven to protect brain cells from toxicity, and enhance "working memory", an executive function of the brain that allows us to take in new information without losing track of what we're doing
turmeric is high in curcumin, known to boost serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters that improve mood- turmeric also encourages neuroplasticity (our brain's ability to create new neural pathways)
Please note: This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada or the US FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your physician or health practitioner before using to avoid potential contraindications.
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