Northlore | Love Potion Herbal Drops
Northlore | Love Potion Herbal Drops
224 20th St. West
224 20th St. West
Saskatoon SK S7M 0W9
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herbal drops for getting it on
Use these herbal drops to boost your libido and get your juices flowing.
When taken regularly, this potent infusion can increase sexual desire, pleasure, and performance.
damiana contains flavonoid compounds that have proven to increase sexual desire in double blind clinical trials
ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac herb that can improve libido and orgasm quality
shatavari balances hormones and boosts lubrication to tissues and membranes
ginseng is an aphrodisiac herb that increases energy and reduces stress
horny goat weed contains the active component epimedium, which increases blood flow and sexual performance
Please note that these herbs are not recommended if you are pregnant and/or breast/chest feeding. This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada or the US FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your physician or health practitioner before using to avoid potential contraindications.
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